Share Insights

Inspire action with your data insights through sharing with colleagues

As data professionals, we have the unique opportunity to delve deep into the data and uncover valuable insights that can benefit the entire organization. By proactively sharing these insights with our colleagues, we can foster collaboration, increase data literacy, and deepen our understanding of the business. Additionally, sharing our findings can bring visibility to the data team and allow us to work in partnership with other teams to drive progress. Don't miss the chance to make a difference - share your data insights and watch the impact unfold.

Something your team can do:

  • Stay up-to-date on company/team performance by sharing weekly updates on key metrics such as DAU/MAU, high peaks, etc.
  • Share your findings in a company-wide email or newsletter. For example, you might write a summary of your analysis on the impact of a new product launch and include key takeaways and recommendations for the business.
  • Create a dashboard or visualization to display your insights in an easily digestible format. For example, you might build a dashboard that displays key metrics and trends from your financial data analysis, allowing stakeholders to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Write a blog post or article about your insights and share it with your team.
  • Share your findings on social media or on a company collaboration platform. For example, you might tweet out a graph or chart that illustrates a key finding from your data analysis, along with a brief explanation of the significance.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to develop data-driven solutions to business challenges and share your insights and approaches.